Call Of Duty: Advanced Gorefare

Okay, I just want to point out i am a HUGE Call Of Duty fan. I 420 noscope kids all day, I drink Mountain Dew, I eat Doritos, and I am in FaZe. But this made me poop my diaper in agony. This is my story with a very special Call Of Duty game.
So one day, I was searching eBay for Call of Duty games, when my eyes came across an interesting game. It said "CALLOFDUTYADVANCEDWARFARE.exe" on the box. Boy was I happy to see this. The address said 666 Hornysworth Avenue. I figured, since I was only a couple miles away from there, I was gonna get the game. When I got to the Gamestop there, I walked in. The Gamestop had all sorts of games lining the shelves. Looking over the shelves, I picked up some of my favorite classics, like Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing, E.T, Desert Bus, and many more. I spent a while in the store, because I had all of my favorite games in there. I walked up to the cashier to pay for my items. He said " Hey, want this game? It's a 100% off deal, its kinda free!" I took the game and it said "Call Of Duty: Advanced Gorefare." I payed for my games, and I left a 1 cent tip.
However, before I walked out the door, the cashier said "Look at me." I looked at him. Suddenly, a nearby jukebox started playing Giygas' Theme from Earthbound and a demonic rap or something. The cashier's eyes melted out of his face, revealing his fleshy sockets covered in blood. He grew new eyes. But this time, they were red. His bloody bloodshot eyes were bloody and bloodshot and covered in blood.He stared right at me. I ran out the door, and drove home, running over a few people in the process.
I got home, and I stuck one of the computer discs into my NES. It loaded up perfectly. I beat almost every game in one night, EXCEPT for the CoD game i got. Save the best for last, i thought.
The next morning, I woke up, and ran to my NES, and put the game in. It took exactly 74.314563 seconds to come up. My character was a female named Amanda Peterson. She was a British coast guard member, but she was in a field. Why was she in a field? I looked around, and I took out a cap gun. Suddenly, a demonic puppy ran towards me. I shot my cap gun, but it did nothing.
The screen cut to black.
My character was in a dark room, chained to the wall by her wrists, and there were 2 demonic puppies. One of the puppies removed his face, and out came Freddy Fazbear. The other puppy turned into dust. Amanda said "Freddy, but you were my favorite mascot, how could you?" "Why have you chained me to the wall Fre_" Freddy then placed a slimy object into my characters mouth.
Since I am only 9, this scarred me. I shut the game off, I threw the NES out the window, and I cried in a corner. Suddenly, A gun was put to my head and BANG! My life was over. I am now a spooky ghost.